Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Burning of the Midnight Lamp - Jimi Hendrix

Hiiiiii. I’m so horrible with keeping up with my blogs. It’s not that I don’t want to or that I have no time. It’s the reason being that I hardly live at home anymore and home is where my laptop resides for safety reasons, as we all know.
Although Sus did give me a pep talk on keeping up with my blog so lets try this again.

So waking up this morning was close to horrible due to the fact that the guy who I bought my new gloves from yesterday had warned me “tomorrow there is going to be a 100% chance of snow and at least a foot if not more”. As you can imagine it was horrible looking out the window this morning knowing that my fate would most likely leave me with soaked boots, cold ears and nose, and everyone being crabby. So I got dressed with as many layers and I could possibly find and just went for it. Ten hours later in the day I am sitting at work looking out the window. The only way I could express the outside world is white; pure white with not even a hint of color. I haven’t seen it snow this bad for a while… stupid groundhog coursing us with his stupid shadow. If it weren’t for the feeling of bitter cold I would really enjoy these days. The days where everything looks so pure and make you stop and thank whichever higher power you believe in for this blanket of beauty. Everyone is saying how school is going to be cancelled but that does me no good considering I don’t have school on Wednesdays. How about canceling Thursday class anyone?!?!

Besides the bitter cold world that awaits me after work, I’ve gotten a lot done in my artist world. I’m preparing for the Senior Gallery Show March 14-19. I spent the whole day at Jay’s yesterday designing my posters and postcards. It’s pretty exciting, minus the fact that it’s in a month and the actual artwork has yet to be composed. My biggest fear is $$$$. What I have envisioned for my gallery are these HUGE prints that really make a statement about the human face. This vision will most likely run me anywhere between 300$ – 400$. I think I’m going to start putting on the puppy face and asking the family to help their lovely starving artist. Here is my design thus far.

Tomorrow I meet with my prof to get some critiques. I hope it goes well

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