Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Thunderous Thursday

oh dearly Thursday,
It was an enjoyable day, besides the rain! I went to work, drove around at lunch time with Erin doing the ush! Then I went back to the studio and finished up my days work. Still being in the same mind set as when Erin and I's drive took place I decided that it would be quite fitting for a nap to take place. So I napped for about an hour or so until dinner started to call. Dinner was extremely bland, but still filling. At about 10 I decided to head over to Alex's house after getting the memo that she was back in town for the weekend. When I arrived, I was greeted by the yelling of "MIAMI", "IS THAT MIAMI OVER THERE", "HERE COMES MIAMI". I was very happy to be greeted in that way. We had some beers, some wine, and an herbal remedy that Erin and I have become pros at. We were sitting outside in the front and my creativity kicked in, plus when people start to reminisce about a world I've never known.. I tend to just zone out. So I took some photographs in which I'm very proud of! After a couple hours, I let the beer and wine leak from my brain and then was finally able to go home and into my sheets!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Scuse me, While I kiss the SKY

Why hello there ddddaaarrrrllliiiinnngggg,
Today as a lovely/interesting day. I spent the whole day with my beautiful baby sister. She came to work with me and everyone loved her. Julia drew pictures for almost everyone in the office. After being at work for around 2 hours we ended up leaving. Then I took both Julia and Declan to see Harry Potter. It was 3 hours long and none of us could stand still.. it was horrible. Not on my recommendation list. After spending the whole morning, and most of the afternoon with my sister I decided it was time for an older crowd in which to communicate with. So I went over to Luke's house for a bit. Jumped in the pool and was there for less than 20 min; but that's another story of it's own. To use and to be used.
After Luke's house I went home, had dinner with the fam, and just laid around until Erin got off work. When she was off work we met up at Wills house to make a purchase. While there i met some interesting characters; especially one they tried to hook me up with. Wasn't feeling on him.. but I was feeling up on this guys CD collection and art work he had in magazines!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Quickie before bed..

I couldn't help it

She's way too adorable!

See you in my dreams

Day 1

After a long day at the studio Erin and I decided to go on a mini photography adventure. We lit and our creative gears started to run. We traveled back to the studio and got a couple pictures of cows until we got bored. Then we just cruised around and ended up at the same nature trail we had started our summer off at. It was beautiful because there is a dam that we got to walk across to discover a waterfall! The day was BEAUTIFUL!

Then later in the night we headed back to erins house and her aunt cooked up the BEST dinner!! After about an hour of letting the food set in our stomach we got a bottle of wine and carton of ice cream and headed for the backyard for another sesh... and of course thats when my creativity is at it's prime!!