Friday, September 25, 2009

Across the Universe - The Beatles

So this week was the first week of fall. You would have never guessed considering it's still in the 70's, but trust me I'm NOT complaining. I'm not ready for seasonal depression.
Yesterday was an average Thursday plus a little bit more. Woke up at 6 to be at class by 8, stayed in class for about 40 min till I went home, then napped, and ran some errands with Julia. She had to go to the study abroad fair and so I joined her in hopes of seeing my old study abroad professor. I saw a much more amazing person.
The only thing I wanted to do before I graduated was take a picture with Sparty and I couldn't have taken it with anyone better then Ju! That pretty much was the highlight of my day. After that I went to Burger-Rama with Sammy. Even though I'm leaving Delta Gamma I'm so happy that I can still be close with girls and I adore Sammy so much. She cracks me up every second. While at Burger-Rama I ran into Megan O'Neil. She lived across the hall from me my freshman year. After chatting with her a little bit I started to realize just how old I'm starting to get and how fast time is flying! Where's the stop button in my life!!
After the bar I stopped by Erica's house for a little bit then headed home. It was the season premiere of Greys' Anatomy. I'm pretty sure there isn't a show that I cry more for than Greys. It's my me time. After the lovely two hours of TV I headed back to my room and talked on the phone with Adrian for probably close to an hour. I do not understand how he can talk to me in that state of mind, I find myself quit annoying.

I woke up this morning at around 6, than 8, than 9. My brain was just not in the mood to sleep and rest up. Julia and I played around with Foster for a bit before her and my other room mates have to leave to go and sign a lease for a house for next year. I'm so happy that they got their dream house, but at the same time I'm a little bitter. I want to live with them too, but there is no way that I'm staying in Michigan. I just can't. I filled out my CPOY stuff and wrote my letters to future photographers that I may meet. At 4 I headed to work only to have the bus break down on me. The only thing that was keeping my smiling was how beautiful the sky looked. Have to keep the small things in mind.

If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there

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